of the Problem
is one of the four language skill which is important in language learning.
Among the four skils (listening, reading, speaking, and writing), speaking
seems intuitively the most important : people who know a language are referred
to as “speakers” of that language, as if speaking included all other kinds of
Speaking has many advantages such as
though speaking, the students can share their opinions, they can
communicate with others in speaking, they can find new friend if they have good
communication. Hence, speaking becomes really important to be learnt by the
students to develop their English skill.
is the way to express thought and feeling. According to Nunan speaking is the
productive aural/oral skill. [2] It
consist of producing systematic verbal utterances to convey meaning. It means,
speaking speaking is how to produce the language, especially in English
fluently, and accuracy.
is crucial skill which is needed to be learned in learning English. However,
there are many students who still have some difficulties to speak English.
Penni Ur states that students are often inhibited about trying to say thing in
foreign language, worrying about making mistake, fearful of criticism or losing
face, or simply shy of the attention that their speech attracts,
they have no motivate to express themselves beyond the guilty feeling that they
should be speaking. Moreover, as M. Bailey Kathleen states many people feel
that speaking in a new language is harder than reading, writing, or listening
for two reasons. First, unlike reading or writing, speaking happens in real
time : usually the person who you are talking to is waiting for you to speak
right then. Second, when you speak, you cannot edit and revise what you wish to
say, as you can if you are writing. It means that spaking is more difficult
than other skills in English language skill. Because, of that reason most of
the students get problem and difficulties in speaking English.
speaking, one of the factor which influence the learners is motivation.
Motivation is important one that encourages effort so that students can achieve
their goal for successful in speaking. Harmer adds that motivation is essential
to success that people have to want to do something to successes at it. Without
such motivation people will almost certainly fail to make the necessary effort.
short, motivation is one of the important factors that influence students’
speaking process.
motivation is affective factors that will influence students’ performance in
speaking English. In this case, motivation is categorized into two factors;
they are intrinsic and extrinsic factor. Intrinsic motifation is categorized by
the students’ participation in English speaking. Extrinsic motivation is
characterized by behavior in order to attain some external reward or avoid
external punishment. Hence, intrinsic motivation comes from inside of oneself
whereas extrinsic motivation is coused by any number of outside factors.
on the writter’s observation at the tenth grade in
PondokPesantrenTarbiyahIslamiyahGobah Limo SurauTilatangKamang, the researcher
find that there are several problems on speaking skill. First, most of the
students are lazy to speak English well during teaching and learning. This case
can be seen when the teacher speaks English to the students, they are only
silent and can’t give response to the teacher. The students often left the
class when the teacher give a task to speak in front of class. Many students
considered that speak in front of class is something strange, because of that
they often left the class. Second, Most students couldn’t speak English
actively and fluently in the classroom because they did not have knowledge and
bravery to speak. Then, they also did not achieve satisfactority English
performance, such as unconfident to speak English. To conlude, there are three problems that researcher
found at ten grade in PondokPesantrenTarbiyahIslamiyahGobah Limo Surau which refer to motivation to speaking English.
accordance the description above, this research was describing about dominant
factors that influence students’ motivation in speaking English. So, the
research conducted a research under the title: “ Students’ Motivation In Speaking English at the Tenth grade of
PondokPesantrenTarbiyahIslamiyahGobah Limo Surau in Academic Year 2013/2014
of the Problem
on the background of the problem above, the writer found some problem occurred
toward students speaking English in classroom at the Tenth Grade of
PondokPesantrenTarbiyahIslamiyahGobah Limo Surau which can be identified as
follow :
1. The
majority of the students are lazy to speak English well during teaching and
2. Most
students couldn’t speak English actively and fluently in the classroom because
they did not have knowledge and bravery to speak.
3. Most
of the students unconfident to speak English.
of the Problem
From the identification of the
problem above, this research limits the problem to be researched into the
factors influencing students’ motivation in speaking English at the Tenth of
PondokPesantrenTarbiyahIslamiyahGobah Limo Surau in Academic year 2013/2014.
of the Problem
accordance with the limitation of the problem above, the problems were
formulated into question: what is the description of dominant factors that
influence students’ motivation in speaking English ?
of the Research
on the formulation of the problem, the puspose of the research are carried out
to describe if they are more intrinsically or extrinsically motivated in
speaking English at the Tenth Grade of PondokPesantrenTarbiyahIslamiyahGobah
Limo Surau.
of the Study
significant target of this research is that to provide a factual basis for
English subject especially for speaking subject on students’ strategies in
quality of speaking based on their motivation sources as they are implied in
their responses, considering a key to speak something, and maintained by an
enthusiastic and well prepared classroom teacher, and also as motivation that
inspire speaking English classess and to attain higher level of English
proficiency is important for students, teachers, and the researcher to be aware
on motivion that increase our students interest in speaking English and
stimulate students to accomplish higher speaking English proficiency.
of the key Terms
1. Speaking
is the way to express thought and feeling, also productive aural/oral skill.
2. Motivation
is an inner state that energizes, activates, or moves, and that directs or
channels behavior toward goal.[4]
[1] Penny Ur , A Course in language teaching practice and
theory(Cambridge University press 1991)
[2] David Nunans, Practical English Language Teaching (McGraw
Hill:Singapore, 2003), p.48
[3] Jeremy Harmer, The Practical of English Language Teaching,
(Malaysia:CPM, 2003), p. 51
[4]Drs.AlexSobur, M.Si, PsikologyUmumdalamLintasanSejarah, (Bandung;CVpustakasetia,
2003),p : 267
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